State Exams and Thesis Defences in SS 2020/2021
Defences of Bachelor and Master Theses as well as State Exams take place in person.
Students, who cannot attend a regular in-person exam/defence because they:
- are in a quarantine on the day of the exam/defence,
- reside abroad and securing a short-term stay in the Czech Republic would be too complicated under the current conditions
- and at the same time they will be able to ensure a good of quality online transmission via MS Teams (functional audio and video)
can apply for an online exam/defence via InSIS – Contact centre.
Further instructions for online defences and state exams can be found on the Intranet.
Please download also:
- Instructions for defenses of bachelor and master thesis organized by the Department of International Business in June 2021
- PowerPoint Template FIR