Open Position – Assistant Professor – Intercultural negotiations and International Business and related areas
Department of International Business at the Prague University of Economics and Business is seeking candidates for an Assistant Professor position, starting in September 2021.
We are seeking candidates with teaching and research experience in the field of International Business and Cross-Cultural Management and related areas. The appointment (part- time or full- time) is for 1 year, with an option for a 3-year renewal subject to satisfactory performance, and an option for an indefinite contract after 4 years, subject to teaching and publication record.
As an expanding department, we are constantly looking for both junior and senior researchers and teachers. The concrete area of research and teaching will be assigned based on candidate’s profile and interest.
We offer flexible and inspiring working environment in an international team (currently eight nationalities).
The candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree from a distinguished university. English is the only language required for the position; other languages are welcome. Publication track should involve at least one peer-reviewed journal.
To apply for the position, please send the cover letter, CV and a copy of the Ph.D. diploma to: Děkanát FMV VŠE, Ing. Eliška Vavrouchová, Nám. W. Churchilla 4, 13067 Praha 3, Czech Republic. E-mail:
Selected candidates will be invited for interviews in June/ July 2021. The interviews could also be conducted via Skype.