Harmonia Bakery – Student Projects for the Course: Business Project
Students worked on the project from a real business environment within the course 2MO500 Business Project also in the SS 2020/21. The assignment for students was prepared by the family Slovak bakery Harmonia. The aim was to develop a marketing strategy for the company’s entry on the Czech market with a number of frozen confectionery and bakery products. You can read how the project was evaluated by one of the members of the student team, Karolína Kozlová and the sales manager of the Harmonia bakery, Diana Polomská, in the following paragraphs.
“I completed the course Business Project within the minor specialization International Finance and Business, when in our six-member group we were given the task to design a complete strategy for a smaller Slovak family bakery to enter the Czech market. It was a purely practical project, during which we were given the chance to apply previously acquired knowledge, especially in the field of marketing, in practice. I appreciate that we were in contact with Mrs. Diana Polomská from Fine Bakery s.r.o. throughout the project, who provided us with feedback on the individual submitted outputs, and thus we were able to present the final project as expected. During the semester, we dealt with, for example, competition analysis, SWOT analysis, quantitative and qualitative research among potential customers on the Czech market or the design of suitable marketing channels. Despite the unfavorable situation, when the whole course was, unfortunately, held online, the cooperation within the team went well and I believe that we all gained a positive experience from this project. ”
Karolína Kozová
“On behalf of our company Fine Bakery, we would like to thank the Prague University of Economics and Business for cooperation and elaboration of a detailed marketing study and proposed solutions for our company. The students did a very good job of researching the market for frozen confectionery and bakery products. We are aware of the time-consuming nature of such a study and we are very grateful for the outputs provided. We can orient ourselves better in the competition on the Czech market and we gained valuable knowledge on consumer behavior, buying/not buying frozen products and the reasons for such behavior, which students gained through questionnaires. Together with the students, we also defined the optimal positioning and marketing communication primarily through social media, where it is essential not only to present products, but also to raise awareness about frozen products and the benefits of this form of preservation. We will discuss student proposals within our company marketing team and implement them.
Diana Polomská, Sales Manager, Harmonia Bakery