Central Europe Waste Manager of the Tesco Company in the lecture
On the 11th of May, 2022, the Department of International Business hosted Jan Krcmar, the Central Europe Waste Manager of the Tesco Company in the lecture within the course 2MO446 Food wasting – implications in international business. The Tesco Company is a Czech leader in food-wasting. It has got long-term exemplary cooperation with Food Banks and is the only Czech retailer that publishes its data on food waste. Jan Krcmar is responsible for food waste prevention in this retail chain. That is why he was Number One to be invited into the course Food wasting – implications for international business.
At his Alma Mater, the graduate of our university (2010) clearly explained the strategy of fighting against food waste in retail chains. He even brought illustrative examples from one of Tesco stores. Then, he demonstrated the basic rules of food waste management on graphs.
Jan Krčmář has been working in retailing for seven years already; he focuses on deep-dive analysis and financial insight into the issue of food wasting. He is also experienced in leading the international middle-European „anti-wasting“ team of the Tesco company.
The course Food Wasting – Implications for International Busines 2MO446 presents the issue of food wasting in the context of the current topic of sustainability. International aspects and business orientation are stressed. The lectures should prepare future business people for reflecting on this topic in everyday business processes, from logistics and warehousing through HR management and compliance to marketing and finance. Considerable emphasis is also placed on retailer-supplier relationships. The course concludes with the cooperation of business with NGOs.