City Changers 2030: Ing. Petr Král, Ph.D., the Head of the Department, Presenting at the International Conference on sustainable mobility
17.-18. May 2022, an international conference on changes in city and active mobility is taking place in Jihlava – CityChangers 2030, at which, as one of the speakers was presenting Ing. Petr Král, Ph.D., the head of the Department of International Business. The conference focuses mainly on issues of possible regulation of transportation and public spaces in order to support sustainable mobility.
For more information, you can visit the conference website directly:
CityChangers is an initiative aiming to improve the transport situation and its planning. Anyone who wants to change something around them in the field of transport and mobility can join. The citizens’ platform consists mainly of active people in local communities, but also politicians and officials who share their interests. The initiative was created among the members of the Partnership for Urban Mobility and as part of The European project Danube Cycle Plans will gradually be extended to other European countries. More information about the initiative can be found on its website here.
Ing. Petr Král, Ph.D., head of the Department of International Business, among others, leads a team of students from the Prague University of Economics and Business and is responsible for the marketing strategy of Uniqway student carsharing – more information here.