Institutional Financing of Development Project by Ing. Andrej Galčenko within the Course International Business Operations
On May 3rd, 2022, within the course 2MO302 International Business Operations, the Department of International Business was pleased to host a workshop on “Institutional Financing of Development Project” by Ing. Andrej Galčenko, former Director of the Centre for Developing Markets at the Czech Infrastructure Association.
Ing. Andrej Galčenko graduated from the Faculty of International Relations (degree International Politics and Diplomacy) in 2015. Then, he became the director and founder of the Centre for Developing Markets at the Czech Infrastructure Association. The purpose of the Centre was to improve communication between investors and suppliers for large development projects in infrastructure and help them increase the success rate while applying for finance at large development banks and other institutions. Discussion with students was held in a very practical, or even pragmatic, way. Students could understand the selection criteria for financing large projects and how suppliers can take part in them. In future, Ing. Andrej Galčenko points out the need for implementing sustainability and environmental topics within the projects.
2MO302 International Business Operations is a practically oriented compulsory course for students of the Bachelor programme – International Business, guaranteed by doc. Ing. Alexej Sato, CSc. Students cover all topics relevant to an international contract for sale of goods (price, subject of sale, payment terms, delivery terms, transport mode, customs clearance, insurance etc.) and also discover the role of a trade company as a middleman in international business.