ŠKODA AUTO – The Best Student Presentations for the Course International Marketing
The successful cooperation with the company ŠKODA AUTO a.s. within the course International Marketing (2MO401/2MO431) continued also in the SS 2021/2022. Students worked throughout the semester in teams on projects assigned by ŠKODA AUTO ČR. They could choose one from many project assignments covering a variety of topics – from topics focused on electromobility and marketing aimed at the young generation to proposals for marketing strategies for entering new markets in Asia.
On June 1st, 2022, the five best teams (out of 26 teams consisting of 122 students) were invited to present the results of their work not only to other students and all teachers of the course but also to Mr. Petr Janeb (Head of Sales China, Asia and Overseas) and Libor Šedivák (Head of Marketing in the Czech Republic).
Presentations of the best projects took place on the premises of ŠKODA AUTO in Prague. The students demonstrated the ability to work in international teams, conduct extensive market research and bring interesting ideas, many of which, according to ŠKODA AUTO representatives, will definitely be usable in practice.
In addition to diplomas, the best teams also received gifts from the company ŠKODA AUTO.
In the winter semester 2022, students can look forward to the next interesting projects prepared by ŠKODA AUTO.
Congratulations to all members of the winning teams!
The course International Marketing (2MO401) is a compulsory course within the study program International Trade and the minor specialization International Business Strategies (under the ident 2MO521). Seminars are taught in English in mixed groups of Czech and foreign students (ident 2MO432). An important part of the course is always a team project developed in cooperation with a corporate partner, in which students solve a real task from a business environment.