Availability of customer service lines. The Deputy Head of the Department of International Business, Doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, in the Czech Television
On Thursday, May 4th, 2023, the Deputy Head of the Department of International Business, doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, Ph.D., an expert in the field of commercial communications, branding, and retail marketing, took part in the TV program ČT Černé ovce. This time the broadcasting was dedicated to the availability of customer service lines of online stores, offices, banks, and insurance companies.
The emphasis of the survey was put on the ease and speed of finding a telephone connection to a given company. “There is a need for every company, every seller, every institution to have a telephone contact listed on its website that is sufficiently visible and through which we are able to reach a specific person who will provide us with the information we require,” doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, Ph.D., summarizes the requirements for the website.
The contact details should be visible at a glance, either in the top bar or at the bottom of the page; if this is not the case, it is a fundamental error in marketing and communication with the customer. “You must click through too many menus before speaking with an operator. Here, of course, you need to make access to the operator as easy as possible so that you don’t have to click through too many sites and so it doesn’t take long to get to the competent person who can help you with something.”
In many cases, there were “AI chatting services available” that customers could contact instead of a customer service line, however, according to doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, Ph.D., this type of communication with the customer is not the best choice. Nowadays, communication with an actual human is still essential for the customer.
The complete broadcasting can be found in the CT Archive HERE.
Doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, Ph.D., has been working at the Prague University of Economics and Business (formerly at the Department of Retailing and Commercial Communications) since 2005 as an assistant professor, from 2020 as the associate professor. His areas of interest are mainly commercial communications, branding, and retail marketing. He participates in teaching the crucial obligatory courses in the bachelor programme International Business: Retail Business, Retail Marketing, and Retail Management. He has developed these courses also for teaching in the International Business programme in English. Přemysl Průša also acts as a visiting professor at the University of Northern Colorado, USA, and other universities abroad (in Spain, Ireland, and Austria). In his research activities, Přemysl Průša focuses mainly on branding as well as on CSR, green marketing, and sustainability. He has been active also in several companies dealing with international trade in the area of FMCG.