Successful student project might be presented directly at the FIATA Meeting in Brussels
The Department of International Business is pleased to share the great news that within the course 2MO500 Business Project students Jan Bednář, Pavel Kocábek, Jakub Marcolla, and Jaroslav Glisník executed a study for the Association of Forwarding and Logistics (SSL- Svaz spedice a logistiky; Association of forwarders and logistic companies within domestic and international transport for Czechia) which was on May 22nd, 2023 approved and positively appreciated by the Executive Director of the Association, Dr. Petr Rožek, who promised to discuss the opportunity to present the findings at the FIATA meeting in Brussels in September this year.
The study focused on optimizing the process of digitalization of logistics operations using the electronic bill of lading CMR and electronic FIATA bill of lading.
The aim of the project was to investigate the reasons and discover the obstacles that prevent the wider use of these documents among freight forwarders and carriers in the Czech Republic, as well as to suggest processes and tools that would help to improve the current situation. The students presented the conclusions of their research at the SSL Oceanfreight Club meeting on April 26th, 2023, where they discussed the issue extensively with practitioners and received valuable feedback on their work.
The course 2MO500 Business Project enables the participants to use their theoretical knowledge in business practice on a real project assigned by a corporation. In this course, students work in small teams on a real project under the supervision of a teacher and a corporate partner´s representative. At the end of the semester, the team presents the results of the project to the teacher and to the company.