Free Capacity to Supervise Your Thesis: List of Lecturers in WS 2023
In response to numerous inquiries from students, below you can find a list of lecturers from the Department of International Relations who have free capacity as of TODAY to supervise your thesis (starting now in the winter semester of 2023). Please, take in mind, that the list is valid on the date of its publication and the capacity of individual teachers will gradually be exhausted.
Teachers supervise only theses related to their professional and pedagogical focus. We, therefore, ask students to contact individual teachers only with proposals for topics that correspond to their professional and pedagogical focus. We wish fruitful cooperation.
Dipl.-Kfm. Michael Bahles, Ph.D.,
Ing. Elvíra Čermáková,
Ing. Iveta Černá, Ph.D.,
Laure de Batz, Ph.D., MSc,
Andrea Escobar Rios, Doctora en Ciencias,
Ing. Jaroslav Halík, MBA, Ph.D.,
Ing. Vít Hinčica, Ph.D.,
Rafael San José Iglesias, MBA, Ph.D.,
Doc. Ing. Alexej Sato, CSc.,
Ing. Jakub Zezula, Ph.D.