Pilsner Urquell in the Course International Marketing Communications SS 2022/2023
This semester (LS2022/2023), students of the course International Marketing Communication (2MO403/2MO506) were again assigned a project in cooperation with Plzeňský Prazdroj (Pilsner Urquell). Very successful collaboration on various projects with Pilsner Urquell has been active on a regular semestral basis since 2017.
On Wednesday, 10 May 2023, students had the opportunity to present their team projects to the company representatives. Our alumni Jan Dvořák, who commissioned and coordinated the projects, and Lada Kohoutková and Radka Tichá, who together with the teachers of the Department of International Business evaluated the projects and gave feedback to the students, attended the presentations on behalf of Pilsner Urquell. We are planning more exciting projects with Pilsner Urquell again next semester.
This year’s projects were related to Birell brand and Employer Branding of Pilsner Urquell. Decide on the winners was incredibly tough; the students did an excellent and creative job, and some teams even created videos for their campaigns.
We sincerely congratulate the winning team consisting of Daria Bogdanova, Daniel Dostál, Adam Juřina, Leona Miková and Anastázie Vosecká. In addition to diplomas and small gifts, the winning team received a voucher for an evening at Ambiente restaurants worth CZK 10,000.
Projects combining theory with practical implications are a standard part of the students’ work in the course International Marketing Communications course every semester. In the past, projects have been prepared, for example, in cooperation with Škoda Auto and the Czech Association for Rare Diseases. During the semester, students can consult their work with the lecturers (Ing. Petr. Král, Ph.D.) and with the company representatives. The course also includes a “mid-term check” in the middle of the semester, where students receive feedback for their work.
The course is taught in English in combined groups of Czech and international students. In addition to practical experience with an actual project, students gain experience working in an international team. The course is compulsory for students in the International Business program and students in the minor specialization International Finance and Business. It is offered as an elective to exchange students and CEMS students in addition to students of Czech programs. The course aims to provide students with an integrated overview of all forms of marketing communication (advertising, direct marketing, online communication, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling). The course focuses on their functions, theoretical foundations, and practical application.