Successful Student Project and FIATA Meeting

The Department of International Business is pleased to share the great news that within the course 2MO500 Business Project students  Dita Kulhánková, Matěj Frydrych, and Jan Frydrych executed a study focusing on ESG reporting, at the same time exploring and evaluating the perception of this topic by entrepreneurs in the field of freight forwarding and logistics and the possibilities of its effective communication across the field. Key aspects of the functioning of the ESG mechanism, as well as the results of the research, were discussed and opposed by the Association of Forwarding and Logistics (SSL- Svaz spedice a logistiky; Association of forwarders and logistic companies within domestic and international transport for Czechia).

The Executive director of the Association, Dr Petr Rožek, praised the students’ work and offered them the opportunity to present their research at the FIATA Meeting, which will be held in Prague this year.


The course 2MO500 Business Project enables the participants to use their theoretical knowledge in business practice on a real project assigned by a corporation. In this course, students work in small teams on a real project under the supervision of a teacher and a corporate partner´s representative. At the end of the semester, the team presents the results of the project to the teacher and the company.

Successful Student Project and FIATA Meeting