
Head of Department doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, Ph.D.
Doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, Ph.D., has been working at the Prague University of Economics and Business (formerly at the Department of Retailing and Commercial Communications) since 2005 as assistant, from 2020 as the associate professor. His areas of interest are mainly commercial communications, branding and retail marketing. He participates in teaching the crucial obligatory courses in the bachelor programme International Business: Retail Business, Retail Marketing and Retail Management. He has developed these courses also for teaching in the International Business programme in English. Přemysl Průša also acts as a visiting professor at the University of Northern Colorado, USA and other universities abroad (in Spain, Ireland, Austria). In his research activities Přemysl Průša focuses mainly on branding as well as on CSR, green marketing and sustainability. He has been active also in several companies dealing with international trade in the area FMCG.

Dipl.-Kfm. Michael Bahles, Ph.D.
Dipl.-Kfm. Michael Bahles, Ph.D., holds a degree in business administration and studied at the University of Cologne, the Prague University of Economics and Business and the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago. He has a professorship in International Business at the Business School Berlin and lectures at the Prague University of Economics and Business in the intensive course in International Brand Communication Strategy. Before Michael Bahles worked in marketing for 15 years and consulted clients at international network agencies such as: SKODA, Volkswagen, Renault, Beiersdorf / Nivea, L’Oréal, Allianz, Zurich Group, Bertelsmann and many others. His professional positions abroad were London, Barcelona and Prague.

Laure de Batz, Ph.D., MSc
Ing. Laure de Batz, Ph.D., has been an Assistant Professor at the University of Economics in Prague (VŠE) since September 2020. She completed PhDs in economics in University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne), and from Charles University (Institute of Economic Studies). She previously graduated from HEC Paris and from a research master in Macroeconomics and took part in the CEMS exchange program. She also taught in Sciences Po Paris. Her research is based on her decade-long work experience in Société Générale and French Finanical Market Authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers). She specializes in financial economics, and more precisely on market reactions to frauds and regulation.

Ing. Iveta Černá, Ph.D.
Ing. Iveta Černá, Ph.D., received her Ph.D. from Prague University of Economics and Business in 2008. Her fields of interest in terms of teaching, publications and research involve international trade, FDI, investment incentives, business promotion, export support, EU structural funds and international business operations. Over 2007-2013, she participated in the Research Plan “Governance in the Context of Globalized Economy and Society” awarded to the Faculty of International Relations.

Andrea Escobar Rios, Doctora en Ciencias
Andrea Escobar Rios is an Assistant Professor at the University of Economics in Prague (VŠE) since September 2019. She received her PhD in Mexico in 2017, from the EGADE Business School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey with a doctoral stay for the development of thesis in Czech Republic within the University of Economics of Prague VŠE. Her research area is developed in the field of luxury marketing, fashion brands, consumer behavior, country of origin as heritage and its impact on brand development. She has conducted research in some European countries, with a focus on France and Italy, for the Louis Vuitton and Prada brands. Since 2017 began her experience as a teacher for bachelor and postgraduate students in Mexico in subjects as market research, consumer behavior and marketing seminars. She also has extensive experience in the entertainment and public relations industry, in companies such as The Walt Disney Company and Warner Brothers, this last one as a current partner for market research projects.

Ing. Alena Filipová, Ph.D.
Ing. Alena Filipová, Ph.D., has been working at the Prague University of Economics and Business since 1994. Professionally, she specializes in international management and retailing, retail market regulation, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability (especially food waste), e-commerce, and online marketing. As a researcher, she participated in solving the research plan of the Faculty of International Relations “Governance in the context of a globalized economy and society”. She participates in contract research for the Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism and in contract research for the Czech-Slovak initiative ECR, a member of the international network ECR Community. She cooperates with businesses not only in research activities but also in the exchange of information and the creation of so-called best practices. She is currently a member of the working group “Retail with a focus on e-commerce and internet marketing in the Competence 4.0 project”, which deals with the definition of new competencies for education. She is a former head of the Department of Retailing and Commercial Communications and as well as a former member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of International Relations.

Ing. Jaroslav Halík, MBA, Ph.D.
Ing. Jaroslav Halík, MBA, Ph.D., specializes in marketing management and strategy of export-import business operations. He lectures as a visiting professor at partner universities abroad (Holland, Germany, USA, England, Russia, China). He teaches at the University of Economics in Czech, English and Russian. He is the author of a number of professional publications. He worked as a marketing manager and sales director in multinational companies. Focus of final theses: international purchase agreement, strategies for entering foreign markets, strategic marketing, global brands, multinational corporations.

Ing. Vít Hinčica, Ph.D.
Ing. Vít Hinčica, Ph.D., works as an assistant professor, mostly teaching the „International Business Operations“ course. He regularly publishes on different issues, teaches abroad, and also takes part in different research and training activities. The theses he supervises are usually focused on trade, investments and transportation.

Rafael San José Iglesias, MBA, Ph.D.
Rafael San José Iglesias, MBA, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at Prague University of Economics and Business since 2022. He holds a Ph.D. in Marketing from Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, where he was a recipient of the prestigious Vice-Chancellor Doctoral Scholarship. He holds an MBA from Universidad de las Américas, Ciudad de México. He has an extensive experience designing and teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses in marketing and international business programs in leading business schools in New Zealand and Mexico. He has designed and delivered courses in MBA and executive MBA programs on campus and corporate headquarters. He has experience as a consultant in New Zealand where he developed projects for different companies, universities, and governmental agencies. His academic passion is branding, consumer behavior, and international marketing. His research interests focus on the study of global brands, local brands, brand alliances, nation and city branding, consumer culture, consumer identity, consumption, multicultural marketing, sustainability and social responsibility.

doc. Ing. Zuzana Křečková Kroupová, M.A., Ph.D.
Doc. Ing. Zuzana Křečková Kroupová, M.A., Ph.D., is Associate Professor at the Prague University of Economics and Business and a visiting professor at the University of Northern Colorado, United States. In 2015, she was a visiting professor at Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil as an Erasmus Mundus scholar. She also acts as Academic Director and guarantor of the Joint Master Degree program Economics of Globalisation and European Integration (EGEI). Zuzana studied economics, international relations and international management as a scholarship holder at University of Sheffield, Staffordshifre University in the U.K., University of Antwerp and Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium and Prague University of Economics and Business, the Czech Republic. Further, she completed courses at Harvard Business School and MIT Sloan School of Management, U.S. She has worked for 12 years as a management consultant at Arthur D. Little, trainer, and coach at Dynargie and Krauthammer, for leading international companies throughout Europe. Her professional interest lies in international management, sustainability and corporate social responsibility. She teaches mainly in English culturally diverse student groups of bachelor, master and MBA programs. She regularly publishes with international colleagues and has received several Dean and Rector awards for her publishing efforts.

Ing. Eva Křenková, Ph.D.
Ing. Eva Křenková, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Department of International Business since 2017. She teaches International Business Operations and Doing Business in Globalized Environment. She mentors bachelor and master theses with the focus on international business operations and logistics. Her research focus is mainly on supply chain management. She has been a member of research teams solving national and international research projects. Most recently, she is an investigator in the Visegrad Found funded project “GVCs in Central Europe – a Perspective of Automotive Sector after COVID-19“.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Kubálek, CSc.
Doc. Ing. Tomáš Kubálek, CSc., specializes in applied informatics (use of the Microsoft Office suite, Microsoft 365 unified communication system, creation of public websites, photo processing and archiving). He implemented the first project of distance learning in the Czech Republic. He participated in the implementation of the European system of transferable credits ECTS at the Prague University of Economics and Business. He was the initiator and implementer of the implementation of Office 365 (now Microsoft 365) at the Prague University of Economics and Business. He is one of the first ECDL testers in the Czech Republic. Since 2006 he has been the academic director of the University of the Third Age. Since 2008 he has been the organizational guarantor of the bachelor’s program Business Manager in a combined form. In terms of cooperation with practice he trains companies, schools and other organizations to work with Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365. For more detailed information see https://name.vse.cz/kubalek.

Ing. Markéta Lhotáková, Ph.D.
Ing. Markéta Lhotáková, Ph.D., specializes in international marketing, especially international brand policy and the non-profit sector. She has worked as a visiting professor at partner universities abroad (China, USA). At the University of Economics, she also teaches in the English programs International Business and CEMS. She focuses on cooperation with practice, leading mainly student and research projects with corporate partners of the University of Economics. She worked as a brand mamager in multinational companies, she is engaged in activities in the non-profit sector.

Prof. Ing. Hana Machková, CSc.
Prof. Ing. Hana Machková, CSc. was the head of the Department of International Business from 2002 till 2014. She currently holds the position of Vice-Rector for International Relations. From 2014 till 2022 she served as the Rector of Prague University of Economics and Business. Prof. Machková is the guarantor of the bachelor’s study program Business Manager and the French-Czech MBA_Master Management et Administration des Entreprises. Her teaching and research areas are International Marketing and Marketing Management. She is the chairwoman of Czech MBA Association CAMBAS. She had been awarded by French highest honors “Chevalier de la Légion d´Honneur” and “Commandeur dans l´Ordre des Palmes Académiques”. She acts as visiting professor at Jean Moulin Lyon 3, iaelyon School of Management for more than 20 years. She has rich publication activities, she is the author or co-author of a number of text books and articles published in Czech, English and French.

Yadira Ixchel Martínez Pantoja, Ph.D.
Yadira Ixchel Martínez Pantoja, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE) since 2022. She holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Auckland where she was awarded the University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship. She has extensive experience teaching courses in international business in leading universities of New Zealand and Mexico. She worked as a lecturer at Auckland University of Technology and as a consultant where she managed projects and prepared strategic reports for different government agencies, universities, and organizations in New Zealand. Previously, she worked as an analyst for multinational corporations such as The Coca-Cola Company and Kraft Foods in Mexico. Her research focuses on public diplomacy and strategic communications, the interactions between multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations, and governments, and state and non-state actors, with particular interest in business diplomacy, corporate social responsibility, and nation branding.

Mgr. Ing. Kamila Matysová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Ing. Kamila Matysová, Ph.D., received her master degree in Czech and German studies and psychology and second master degree in international economic relations. In her doctoral thesis, she focused on intercultural training. Her scientific interests are cultural anthropology, organizational behavior and behavioral economics. Her intercultural experience consists of studying and teaching abroad (Italy, Germany, Austria and Hungary etc.) and her work with foreign students at VŠE. Based on her psychotherapeutic trainings in psychoanalysis, she has her private counselling practice.

Ing. Veronika Mokrejšová, Ph.D.
Ing. Veronika Mokrejšová, Ph.D., has been working at the Prague University of Economics and Business since 2015. She specializes in retailing, retail marketing and management, retail market regulation, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and food waste issues. As a Ph. D. student, she participated in solving the research plan of the Faculty of International Relations “Governance in the context of a globalized economy and society”. She takes part in contract research for the Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism and on contract research for the Czech-Slovak initiative ECR, a member of the international network ECR Community. She also operates in the NGO sector. She was a financial and project manager and fundraiser in an NGO. She voluntarily provides financial and economic consulting and does fundraising for several non-governmental organizations.

doc. Ing. Květa Olšanová, Ph.D.
Doc. Ing. Květa Olšanová, Ph.D., originally graduated from VSE and returned to the Prague University of Economics and Business in 2012 during her doctoral studies. Since then, she has been teaching International Marketing for both Czech and exchange students. As of Spring 2023 she is teaching Luxury Marketing. In her professional career in the private sector, she occupied different positions in marketing and brand management, PR and CSR at Kraft Foods (currently Mondeléz International), Citibank Europe and Rothmans of Pall Mall. Her recent research interest is linked to corporate social responsibility and luxury brands..

Ing. Milan Postler, Ph.D.
Ing. Milan Postler, Ph.D., has graduated at the University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of International Relations. Now he works for the Department of International Business (formerly for the Department of Retailing and Commercial Communications) on the position of Assistant Professor. He focuses on the area of marketing and commercial communications, consumer behaviour, market research, marketing and retail marketing. He is the founder and main organizer of the minor specialization Commercial Communications, which is organized in a close cooperation with advertising companies and professional associations (AKA, ČMS, Popai, RPR, etc.). He is the guarantor and lector of several crucial courses within the department: Retail Business, Market Research, etc. He is the member of the board of the Czech Marketing Association. Milan Postler had also been working as a consultant for several companies and institutions (Business institut, Cambridge Business School, communication agencies TTV, Dorland, etc.). He has had 12 years of practice in a research company Psyma/ Mareco. He is the author or coauthor of various publications from the area of media and marketing (Media in advertising, Retail marketing) and many articles in scientific magazines. Milan Postler also took part in expert discussions in TV and radios: Česká televize, TV Nova, Český rozhlas. He is the jury member of several students´ competitions – Young Dolphin, Popai Student Award.

Ing. Mgr. Petr Procházka, Ph.D.
Ing. Mgr. Petr Procházka, Ph.D. has attained his PhD in 2021 from Prague University of Economics and Business in International Economic Relations where he continues lecturing (courses: International Business Operations, ESG reporting in value chains, ESG strategy and transformation) and participates in international projects (ERASMUS+ teaching mobility, EIBA , BIP, Visegrad Fund). His research streams include ESG reporting and ESG governance within value chains with a focus on logistics and automotive industry. He has served 10 years at various positions of supply chain in international moving industry and currently works as ESG Specialist and Country Representative Czechia in a Belgian MNE. The topics covered are CSRD submission, sustainability matters, but also DEI policy. Besides that, he joined EFRAG for a secondment in Road transportation sector-specific reporting standard and has been a Visiting researcher at the Rotterdam School of Management

Ing. Mgr. Tomáš Sadílek, Ph.D.
Ing. Mgr. Tomáš Sadílek, Ph.D., has been working at the Prague University of Economics and Business since 2015 (full-time since 2018.) Prior to joining the university, he worked as a sales representative and sales engineer at ŽDB Wire Mill and Mitsubishi Electric Europe. He focuses on the issues of consumer behaviour, retailing and social and sustainable entrepreneurship, which are devoted to research and teaching in Czech and English programs. He has been working as a visiting professor at partner universities abroad (USA, China, France, Italy, Israel, Austria, Germany, Spain, Sweden). Tomáš is a supervisor of qualification theses focused on the issue of consumer behaviour in various applications and on the issue of social and sustainable busines.

doc. Ing. Alexej Sato, CSc.
Doc. Ing. Alexej Sato, CSc., is a teacher and guarantor of the course International Business Operations and the author of more than a hundred domestic and foreign publications and professional texts. He has more than 40 years of domestic and foreign experience in small and medium-sized enterprises as well as in multinational corporations. He is a member of the Customs and Trade Facilitation Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris.

Ing. Vadim Semenenko, Kand.ekonom.věd, MBA
Ing. Vadim Semenenko, MBA, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Economics in Prague (VŠE) since September 2020. He received his PhD in Economics in Kazan, Russia in 2009 and MBA from Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh in 2011. Vadim started his academic career in 2018. His main professional focus is intercultural management, where he is working as personal coach and corporate instructor. Since September 2020, Vadim Semenenko is an instructor for International Negotiation course.

doc. Ing. Josef Taušer, Ph.D.
Doc. Ing. Josef Taušer, Ph.D., with his pedagogical and scientific research activities focuses primarily on international finance and trade. He regularly works as a visiting professor at prestigious foreign schools, such as the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, the Audencia Nantes School of Management and IAE Lyon, where he teaches comprehensive optional and compulsory subjects. He is a member of the steering committee of the Central European branch of the Academy of International Business (AIB) and a member of the European Association of International Business (EIBA). He works for the executive boards of domestic impacted and foreign peer-reviewed journals and is a member of the scientific boards of a total of four economic schools or faculties. At the University of Economics, he teaches mainly in English, both Czech students and foreign exchange students or within the international program CESP and summer schools of the Faculty of International Relations. Since February 2016, he has been the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations. Before that, he held the position of the Vice-Dean for Science and Doctoral Studies and Deputy Head of the Department of International Business. He is also a long-term guarantor of the follow-up master’s degree in International Trade, with which he has obtained and repeatedly defended the prestigious international accreditation EPAS.

Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D.
Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D., graduated from Prague University of Economics in International Trade and Commercial Communications. She is an Assistant Professor in the field of International Trade, a researcher, lecturer in practice and a certified coach. She focuses on international management, intercultural and commercial communication, communication and managerial skills, cross-cultural business negotiation and self-development. She supervises courses on cross-cultural business negotiations and trading with Chinese taught in English for Czech as well as foreign students. She was one of the founding teachers of the minor specialization Chinese Studies and one of the founding members of the Center for Asian Studies. Among others, she is involved in teaching international management for Virginia Tech students and in the MBA program at Prague University of Economics. She has participated in full-time (Retail Marketing and Management, Business Negotiation Training) as well as combined form of teaching, PR activities of Faculty of International Relations and cooperation with the European Retail Academy. She has been active as a student, researcher and visiting professor abroad (France, Germany, Ireland, UK, China, USA, Russia, Austria). After coming back from her two-year research stay in China, she acquired her Ph.D. with her thesis on The Influence of Cultural Specifics on International Business Negotiation – Chinese Business Negotiation. She further deepened her professional experience e. g. by taking part in the Czech participation in EXPO 2010 in Shanghai.

Ing. Martin Záklasník, Ph.D.
Martin Záklasník has held various management positions in the Czech Republic as well as abroad. He has experience with several business sectors – from consulting, through IT and telecommunications to energy. His last position was the chairman of the board of directors of the Czech E.ON with the aim of transforming the company into a modern and sustainable energy company. His main skills and topics, which he dealt with in his practice, include corporate transformation and change management, customer centricity, corporate culture, and digitization. Martin is a graduate of the Faculty of International Relations at the Prague University of Economics and Business, where he defended his Ph.D. Thesis on financial and monetary crises in the world economy in 2006.

Ing. Jiří Zeman, Ph.D.
Ing. Jiří Zeman, Ph.D., has been working at the Prague University of Economics and Business since 1993. Professionally, he specializes in retailing and retail marketing, consumer protection issues, retail market regulation, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability, as well as food waste issues. As a researcher, he participated in solving the research plan of the Faculty of International Relations “Governance in the context of a globalized economy and society”. He participates in contract research for the Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism and in contract research for the Czech-Slovak initiative ECR, a member of the international network ECR Community. He is a former (from 2000 to 2012) Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of International Relations. From this position, he significantly contributed to obtaining the first double degree program accreditation in the Czech Republic (program Economics of Globalization and European Integration), as well as the first prestigious international accreditation EPAS. He was a member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of International Relations (secretary) and a member of the Academic Senate of the Prague University of Economics and Business (chairman of the Legislative commission). He holds a Gold commemorative medal of the Faculty of International Relations, awarded with the consent of the Academic Senate in accordance with the Statute of the Faculty.

Ing. Jakub Zezula
Ing. Jakub Zezula is a graduate with a Master’s degree in International Trade and was awarded his Ph.D. in International Economic Relations. During his studies, he spent a semester at the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht in Berlin. As a visiting researcher, he was active at the Technische Universität in Dresden. At the Department of International Business, he teaches a course on Financial Management in International Business and researches energy markets and financial derivatives. In his professional life, he is involved in energy commodity trading and optimization of power generation.