Competition: High School Business Challenge
Members of the Department of International Business were pleased to participate as jurors in the competition for high school students: High School Business Challenge.
During the summer holidays, the international round of the competition (July 6-12, 2021) was held, hosted by the founding country of the competition – Poland, in its capital. In the international round, the task was to solve two case studies which were evaluated by experts from all the represented countries.
Department of International Business was represented by doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, Ph.D. who is an expert in branding and retail marketing. Four most successful teams, each from one of the co-organizing country (the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary), participated. Although the main prize – 6,000 EUR won the team from Slovakia, the Czech representatives performed very well.
The teams were selected in a prior three-round competition. The jury was composed of members of the Faculty of International Relations of the Prague University of Economics and Business (FIR VŠE) and the Student Club of Trade and Competitiveness (SKOK). The Department of International Business was represented by Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D.
Detailed information available here.
Doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, Ph.D. holds lectures on Retail business (2OP205), Retail Marketing (2OP351) and Retail Management (2OP251).
Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D. holds lectures on Trade and Business in China (2OP531), International Business Negotiation and Protocol (2IB101), International Business Negotiation and Protocol (2MO303) and Dealing with Chinese Business Counterparts (2OP308).