Lecture by Jan Körbel on Legal Specifics of Trade and Business in China
The Department of International Business regularly welcomes expert guest speakers within the held courses.
With the new semester approaching, we are bringing a “little tasting” in the form of a note on an online expert lecture by Jan Körbel on the legal specifics of trade and business in China. The lecture was organized within the course 2OP308 Dealing with Chinese Business Counterparts on March 25, 2021. The guest speaker shared his many years of experience and covered mainly the basic principles of Chinese law, entry into the Chinese market, including the basics of Chinese labour law and dispute resolution.
Educated as a sinologist and an economist, Jan Körbel lived in China all his professional life. Throughout his career in different roles and positions, he has worked towards creating understanding and mutually beneficial cooperation between the European and Chinese sides. He has worked on projects with a wide array of European companies, has experience with operating his own business in both Europe and China. He has worked for a Chinese state-owned company. He served as an interpreter for state officials, institutional representatives, directors and decision makers of European companies of different sizes, and translated materials across industries. Jan Körbel currently serves as a permanent representative of The Czech – Central Asian Chamber of Commerce in China. He carries out the Chamber’s activities in China, preparing industry analysis, feasibility studies and risk assessments for the Chamber’s members. Jan Körbel is a long-term resident of Beijing. He used to live in different provinces and cities of various sizes in the past, and throughout his life he had the opportunity to visit most of China’s provinces. Among his better-known clients are Veolia, Bank of China, CzechTrade, HomeCredit and Czech Ministry of Agriculture.
The course 2OP308 Negotiations with Chinese Business Partners is an optional course offered to all bachelor students at the Prague University of Economics and Business. Seminars are taught in English in culturally mixed teams of students working together on a term project. For those, who are interested in the topic, the Faculty of International relations offers a minor specialization: Chinese Studies, within which the Department of International Business holds the compulsory course 2OP531 Trade and Business in China, which is also taught in English and offered as an optional course to all master students at the Prague University of Economics and Business.