Researchers´ Night – Already on Friday, September 24, 2021: Participate with the Department of International Business at the Prague University of Economics and Business
The Department of International Business, as the only representative of the Faculty of International Relations at the Prague University of Economics and Business, is participating in the Researchers´ Night for the first time. The program entitled “It’s time to change the food management” will take place on Friday, September 24, 2021, from 6pm-10pm at the Prague University of Economics and Business.
A rich program dedicated to food waste is prepared, visitors will learn in a playful way how to read data on food packaging, how much food is thrown away in different types of Czech households and how they can easily measure how much their family wastes. At the department stand, you will also learn tips on how to waste less food, and when you participate in our competition you may also win a small gift.
This event will serve to present the results of the long-term research by employees of the Department of International Business and their cooperation with partners from abroad. In addition to the professional lecture, you can also look forward to various interactive games and demonstrations.
In addition to the stand of the Department of International Business, an information stand on European Union will be present and visitors will have a chance to learn interesting facts about the European Union and find out about work, study or volunteering opportunities in the European Union and European science and inventions.
Visitors will find the complete program of all 51 institutions from all over the Czech Republic involved this year on the new event website and also in the new application for smartphones with the Android and iOS platforms. In addition, they can compile the program themselves according to the venue and their interests.
The Researchers´ Night was established in 2005 at the initiative of the European Commission. Its mission is not only to popularize science, but also to present scientists and their work, which is often invisible to most people, although it is accompanying us at every step – at the doctor’s, at school and on the road. In the Czech Republic, the Researchers´ Night is growing and gaining in importance every year. While in 2018 31 institutions from all over the country took part in the event, this year 51 organizers are involved, including 22 universities.
More information about the event and the compilation of its own program for Researchers´ Night is available at this link: