Lecture by Petr Tulach: “By forecasting against food wasting”
On Wednesday 9th November 2022, the Department of International Business organized a lecture on food-wasting by Petr Tulach from the Logio company (focused on supplier-buyer chain optimization) who explained the basic principles of forecasting and related inventory management to the students of the course 2MO446 Food waste management.
Mr. Tulach explained how important it is to foresee the demand, what food wasting in retail has in common with forecasting models, and that reading from the “crystal ball” is not enough.
Mr. Tulach has been working for 15 years as a consultant for diverse logistics and supply chain companies. He is currently taking care of VERITICO products at LOGIO. He is an expert at forecasting and replenishment, automated AI-driven pricing, and promotion planning. He explained to the students that small personal initiatives in our everyday lives are indeed very godly and valuable; however, they cannot change the world. Food wasting must be fought by enhancing efficiency and using modern technologies and software.
The course 2MO446 Food waste management offered by the Department of International Business and supervised by Ing. Veronika Mokrejšová, Ph.D., presents the issue of food wasting in the context of the current topic of sustainability. International aspects and business orientation are stressed. The lectures should prepare future business people for reflecting on this topic in everyday business processes, from logistics and warehousing through HR management and compliance to marketing and finance. Considerable emphasis is also placed on retailer-supplier relationships. The course concludes with the cooperation of businesses with NGOs. The course can be chosen by students from all the VSE (Prague University of Economics and Business) as an elective or field of study elective course.