48th EIBA Annual Conference in Oslo and the Department of International Business
Ing. Laure de Batz, Ph.D. and Ing. Vít Hinčica, Ph.D. from the Department of International Business had the opportunity to present their work at the 48th EIBA Annual Conference which took place in Oslo from 8th to 10th December 2022. Ing. Vít Hinčica, Ph.D. presented a paper on sales contracts, and Ing. Laure de Batz, Ph.D. presented her recent work on ethics in Finance, regarding enforcement against financial crimes in France.
We thank the Norwegian Business School for hosting such a vivid conference on “Walking the talk? Transitioning towards a sustainable world”. The conference opening took place on Thursday evening attended by speakers from the political, university, and corporate spheres, representatives of the hosting university, and the vast majority of more than 500 foreign academics who came to Oslo to present the results of their research or their proposals for future research. Friday and Saturday were dedicated to presentations. The Department of International Business was further represented by Doc. Ing. Josef Taušer, Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, and Ing. Radek Čajka, Ph.D., the Deputy Head of the Department of International Business.
Doc. Ing. Josef Taušer, Ph.D., with his pedagogical and scientific research activities, focuses primarily on international finance and trade. He regularly works as a visiting professor at prestigious foreign schools, such as the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, the Audencia Nantes School of Management and IAE Lyon, where he teaches comprehensive optional and compulsory subjects. He is a member of the steering committee of the Central European branch of the Academy of International Business (AIB) and a member of the European Association of International Business (EIBA). He works for the executive boards of domestic impacted and foreign peer-reviewed journals and is a member of the scientific boards of a total of four economic schools or faculties. At the University of Economics, he teaches mainly in English, both Czech students and foreign exchange students or within the international program CESP and summer schools of the Faculty of International Relations. Since February 2016, he has been the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations. Before that, he held the position of the Vice-Dean for Science and Doctoral Studies and Deputy Head of the Department of International Business. He is also a long-term guarantor of the follow-up master’s degree in International Trade, with which he has obtained and repeatedly defended the prestigious international accreditation EPAS.
Ing. Radek Čajka, Ph.D., specializes in issues of financial management and European monetary integration. He has been working as a visiting professor at partner universities abroad (France, Austria, USA, China). At the University of Economics, he teaches almost exclusively in English, both Czech students, and foreign exchange students or within the international CESP program. He participated, as a member of the management team, in two EPAS accreditations at the Faculty of International Relations. Since February 2016, he has held the position of Vice-Dean for Foreign Relations and PR.
Ing. Laure de Batz, Ph.D., has been an Assistant Professor at the University of Economics in Prague (VŠE) since September 2020. She completed PhDs in economics in University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne), and from Charles University (Institute of Economic Studies). She previously graduated from HEC Paris and from a research master’s in Macroeconomics and took part in the CEMS exchange program. She also taught in Sciences Po Paris. Her research is based on her decade-long work experience in Société Générale and French Finanical Market Authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers). She specializes in financial economics, and more precisely on market reactions to frauds and regulation.
Ing. Vít Hinčica, Ph.D., works as an assistant professor, mostly teaching the „International Business Operations“ course. He regularly publishes on different issues, teaches abroad, and also takes part in different research and training activities. The theses he supervises are usually focused on trade, investments and transportation.