Business Communication and Protocol by Ing. Pavel Kalina
The Department of International Business had the pleasure of welcoming Ing. Pavel Kalina at an online lecture, which took place on April 20, 2023 within the course 2IB102 International Business Negotiation and Protocol.
The lecture was interactive and focused on the main cultural differences that affect international business negotiations and protocol in selected countries where Ing. Pavel Kalina worked. The students learned how to address their business partners appropriately and how to organize a business or diplomatic meeting. In addition to learning how to address their counterpart appropriately, differences in dress style, communication channels, and gifts were mentioned.
Ing. Pavel Kalina – originally a nuclear physicist, represented Škoda Plzeň and Škoda Energo in Iran and India. After joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, he mainly worked at the economic section of Embussy of Czechia in Iraq, India, China, Russia, and Iran. He currently works in the same position at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Seoul, Korea. The lecture was organized for students of the course 2IB102 International Business Negotiation and Protocol, which is supervised by Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D., and which introduces students to the principles of business negotiations, to the existing social-cultural differences in the international environment and their influence on the strategy and tactics in business negotiations with foreign partners in different regions. It improves their knowledge of social etiquette and prepares students for reliable commercial and diplomatic activity at home and abroad.