Conference Proceedings already online: 23rd Joint International Conference – Praha 18-19 May 2023
On May 18th and 19th 2023, the Prague University of Economics and Business hosted the 23rd Joint International Conference: Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment. The conference was held both in-person and online. It was jointly organized by the Faculty of International Relations & the Faculty of Business Administration of Prague University of Economics and Business, and the Faculty of Commerce of the University of Economics in Bratislava.
The conference focuses on the CEE region and its position in the global economy. Its main objectives are identifying and analyzing ways and strategies whereby internationally operating businesses can maintain and raise their competitiveness. The conference also concerns sustainability and socially responsible strategies.
The first day of the conference was devoted to a workshop for researchers and Ph.D. candidates on Current Research Methodologies for Business Practice and Analysis. Jorge Vera-Martínez, Ph.D. spoke about the importance of quantitative methods for publishing in management, and Konstantinos G. Kottikas, Ph.D. presented best practices for publishing in quality journals.
The second day of the conference began with a plenary session, which was opened by prof. Ing. Hana Machková, CSc., Vice-Rector at Prague University of Economics and Business, and doc. Ing. Josef Taušer, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Prague University of Economics and Business, and prof. Ing. Ferdinand Daňo, Ph.D., Rector of the University of Economics in Bratislava. Among key-note speakers, we had the honor to welcome Petr Janeba, Head of International Sales Steering at Škoda Auto a.s., who presented the current challenges of the European automotive industry, Vítězslav Klement, Social Media Skillhead working for GroupM, who spoke on the topic of AI-powered communication as a driving force of innovation. Finally, Barbora Družbacká, International Logistics Coordinator for Infinity Forwarding, spoke on how Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine affected shipping and trade with China and Asia and what can be expected in the future. In the evening, the conference was officially opened by the chairman of the conference board, Ing. Petr Král, Ph.D., Head of the Department of International Business.
In the afternoon, five separated sessions took place, focusing on International Trade, International Business & Management, International Finance, International Marketing & Consumer Behavior, and International Tourism. Among papers presented by our colleagues from the Faculty of International Relations were the following: Doc. Ing. Alexej Sato, CSc. presented his paper: “Rail freight transport performance in the Central European region” and Ing. Markéta Lhotáková, Ph.D. her paper: “Application of natural language processing to enhance qualitative research used for marketing”. Yadira Ixchel Martínez Pantoja, Ph.D., together with Rafael San José Inglesias presented their research on The Consular Services Contribution to Nation Brand Image and Public Diplomacy, and together with Vincent Montenero presented their research on National culture impact on business relations in the Czech Republic. Ing. Alena Filipová, Ph.D., Ing. Veronika Mokrejšová, Ph.D. and Ing. Jiří Zeman, Ph.D. presented Retail business model through the prism of selected economic indicators, Mgr. Ing. Kamila Matysová, Ph.D. together with Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D. introduced their research on Autonomy and homonomy in developing sustainable leadership in the Czech Republic, and Ing. Mgr. Daniela Zachová together with doc. Ing. Zuzana Křečková Kroupová, M.A., Ph.D. presented a Literature Review on the topic of Acculturation in terms of global mobility.
More information about the conference can be found on the conference webpage here.
The book of proceedings from the conference is also available on the webpage of the conference here.
We sincerely thank everyone for their participation and we look forward to the next year´s conference, which will be held in Bratislava.