Department of International Business at Researchers’ night
On Friday, October 6th 2023, Noc vědců (Researcher’s night), an event promoting science and bringing it closer to the general public through fun and exciting workshops, experiments and lectures, took place at the Prague University of Economics and Business including the campus in Jindřichův Hradec. Nearly 500 visitors came to experience the various events organized by over 25 researchers from all faculties. Visitors had the opportunity to visit 6 stages and attend 28 short lectures and workshops.
Throughout the event, just like last year, the visitors could play a mobile escape game to fight the Mysterious disease of financial illiteracy. This game created by the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics was a great success among the visitors. The most successful players also won exciting prizes from the event partners.
On behalf of the Department of International Business participated Ing. Alena Filipová, Ph.D., Ing. Veronika Mokrejšová, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Zeman, Ph.D. and Ing. Mgr. Tomáš Sadílek, Ph.D. who prepared an entertaining program with the name Discover the secret – get to know, measure, cook and don’t waste! on retail, marketing and food waste. Three quizzes were prepared, combining cooking by following the old metrics with not wasting food. The presentation of the marketing method on brand recognition using a test was a great success and the best participants who passed with over 80 % won a prize. The younger children appreciated the non-wasteful memory game and the animated film.
More information about the event can be found HERE.