Ethics in Finance by Alena Eichová – Take Part – November 14
The Department of International Business cordially invites You to the lecture on ethics in finance by Alena Eichová.
You are welcome to meet and exchange ideas with Alena Eichová, inspector at Czech National Bank (CNB), in charge of the supervision of financial markets, on November 14, 2023 at 9h15 (NB 456). She will present her vision of enforcement in Czech Republic and how CNB can contribute to more ethics in finance.
The lecture will take part within the course 2IB 468 taught by Laure de Batz, Ph.D., MSc.
Ing. Laure de Batz, Ph.D., has been an Assistant Professor at the University of Economics in Prague (VŠE) since September 2020. She completed PhDs in economics in University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne), and from Charles University (Institute of Economic Studies). She previously graduated from HEC Paris and from a research master in Macroeconomics and took part in the CEMS exchange program. She also taught in Sciences Po Paris. Her research is based on her decade-long work experience in Société Générale and French Finanical Market Authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers). She specializes in financial economics, and more precisely on market reactions to frauds and regulation.