Marketing, logistics and Santa? A visit to the logistic centre of the Czech Food Banks
The Department of International Business has the pleasure of sharing the news connected to the Food Waste Management course, the third of which is characterised by lectures by guests who are experts in the issue of food waste. This Wednesday, November 22, 2023, two of them, Vendula Seifertová and Rostislav Ráček, both from the Czech Federation of Food Banks, where Vendula is responsible for marketing and Rosťa for food collection and cooperation with retail, shared their expertise with the students. And to make it worth it, they invited us “home,” i.e., to the logistics centre of the food banks in Prague-Dubč.
According to the students, getting up earlier in the morning paid off because the program was worth it😊. The students appreciated the actual lecture with facts about logistics and marketing, as well as the subsequent tour of the logistics centre, but most of all, the practical activity when they helped the storekeepers and prepared Santa packages of goodies for children from orphanages. Everybody left with a small reward but was mainly charged with the positive energy the food bank employees transferred to us.
The course 2MO446 Food Waste Management supervised by Ing. Veronika Mokrejšová, Ph.D. presents the issue of food waste in the context of sustainability. International aspects and business orientation are stressed. The lectures should prepare future business people to reflect on this topic in everyday business processes, from logistics and warehousing through HR management and compliance to marketing and finance. Considerable emphasis is also placed on retailer-supplier relationships. The course concludes with the cooperation of businesses with NGOs.