Technology Agency of the Czech Republic project in full swing
The TQ 0100183 project implemented at the Department of International Business (Prague University of Economics and Business) “Supporting the change in behavioural patterns of generation Z and the design of interventions to prevent food waste, including the evaluation of their impact” is gaining momentum.
On November 29, the first meeting took place with the students of Prague University of Economics and Business who will measure their food waste in the dormitories in March 2024. “We were very pleasantly surprised by the number of applicants and, given the total number of students in targeted dormitories, exceeded our expectations. We firmly believe that thanks to them we will obtain relevant data comparable to other measurement methods that are also part of the project,” said Tomas Sadilek, Ph.D., a member of the research team who led Wednesday’s meeting.
A day later, the partners met at a workshop with interested stakeholders from ministries, traders, food banks and others to jointly discuss the first results of the project. Among other activities, the VŠE team has already successfully piloted a waste diary, primary and secondary investigations into the communication of retail chains on the topic of food waste and an analysis of macroeconomic contexts are also underway. The other partners then work on municipal waste analysis and quantitative and qualitative research on the causes and motivations of generation Z to (non)waste.
If any students living in the Blanice or Vltava dormitories would still like to join the research, it is possible, please check more information here.