Visit to Mixit Company: Inspiration for Our International Marketing Students!
We are pleased to share the information that on Monday, March 25th, students from the International Marketing courses within the International Business program had the opportunity to visit Mixit company. Each team discussed their progress on the semester project with their mentor, Zuzana Bojnanaska. We explored the production site and warehouses to gain a deeper understanding of the company’s business. And, of course, we sampled many of their delightful products!
This experience serves as great motivation for students to continue with their studies. We’re proud of our students and their dedication!
A great thanks belong also to Ing. Markéta Lhotáková, Ph.D., who specializes in international marketing, especially international brand policy and the non-profit sector. She has worked as a visiting professor at partner universities abroad (China, USA). At the University of Economics, she also teaches in the English programs International Business and CEMS. She focuses on cooperation with practice, leading mainly student and research projects with corporate partners of the University of Economics. She worked as a brand mamager in multinational companies, she is engaged in activities in the non-profit sector.