Workshops: The Dark Side of Business Communication/Sustainable Work and Study Environment/ExxonMobil Open Day
The Department of International Business joyfully shares information about three workshops that were connected by the presence of Mgr. Ing. Kamila Matysová, Ph.D., who lectured and organized those events on behalf of the Department of International Business during the recent innovation week at Prague University of Economics and Business. The workshop on Sustainable Work and Study Environment was co-lectured also by Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D.
The Dark Side of Business Communication
During the workshop, students learned about the dark side of interpersonal business communication. A noninvasive technique of the projective method was applied, and the data were cautiously communicated via symbols. That enabled students to become familiar with their own repressed forces and their positive aspects and at the same time, keep them hidden from other participants of the workshops.
Sustainable Work and Study Environment
In the two-day workshop, students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the research results presented by both Dr. Matysová and Dr. Volfová. The workshop was conducted under the auspices of The International Visegrad Fund’s Strategic Grant No. 22210016. Participants practically honed their skills in building healthy forms of autonomy and interdependence. Relaxation techniques, such as active imagination and networking strategies, were also part of the program.
ExxonMobil Open Day
During the excursion, the students had the opportunity to have a look at the facilities of the GBC (global business center), learn about the functioning of such a center of shared services belonging to the big multinational corporation, its organizational structure, social mix, job rotation system, programs of inclusion for minorities and marketing strategies. Presentations were followed by a networking break with delicious snacks and sweets.
Special thanks for assistance in preparing these workshops go not only to the aforementioned lecturers but also to the organizers on ExxonMobil’s side and our colleague, Assoc. Prof. Ing. Zuzana Křečková Kroupová, M.A., Ph.D.
Mgr. Ing. Kamila Matysová, Ph.D., received her master degree in Czech and German studies and psychology and second master degree in international economic relations. In her doctoral thesis, she focused on intercultural training. Her scientific interests are cultural anthropology, organizational behavior and behavioral economics. Her intercultural experience consists of studying and teaching abroad (Italy, Germany, Austria and Hungary etc.) and her work with foreign students at VŠE. Based on her psychotherapeutic trainings in psychoanalysis, she has her private counselling practice.
Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D., graduated from Prague University of Economics in International Trade and Commercial Communications. She is an Assistant Professor in the field of International Trade, a researcher, lecturer in practice and a certified coach. She focuses on international management, intercultural and commercial communication, communication and managerial skills, cross-cultural business negotiation and self-development. She supervises courses on cross-cultural business negotiations and trading with Chinese taught in English for Czech as well as foreign students. She was one of the founding teachers of the minor specialization Chinese Studies and one of the founding members of the Center for Asian Studies. Among others, she is involved in teaching international management for Virginia Tech students and in the MBA program at Prague University of Economics. She has participated in full-time (Retail Marketing and Management, Business Negotiation Training) as well as combined form of teaching, PR activities of Faculty of International Relations and cooperation with the European Retail Academy. She has been active as a student, researcher and visiting professor abroad (France, Germany, Ireland, UK, China, USA, Russia, Austria). After coming back from her two-year research stay in China, she acquired her Ph.D. with her thesis on The Influence of Cultural Specifics on International Business Negotiation – Chinese Business Negotiation. She further deepened her professional experience e. g. by taking part in the Czech participation in EXPO 2010 in Shanghai.
Doc. Ing. Zuzana Křečková Kroupová, M.A., Ph.D., is Associate Professor at the Prague University of Economics and Business and a visiting professor at the University of Northern Colorado, United States. In 2015, she was a visiting professor at Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil as an Erasmus Mundus scholar. She also acts as Academic Director and guarantor of the Joint Master Degree program Economics of Globalisation and European Integration (EGEI). Zuzana studied economics, international relations and international management as a scholarship holder at University of Sheffield, Staffordshifre University in the U.K., University of Antwerp and Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium and Prague University of Economics and Business, the Czech Republic. Further, she completed courses at Harvard Business School and MIT Sloan School of Management, U.S. She has worked for 12 years as a management consultant at Arthur D. Little, trainer, and coach at Dynargie and Krauthammer, for leading international companies throughout Europe. Her professional interest lies in international management, sustainability and corporate social responsibility. She teaches mainly in English culturally diverse student groups of bachelor, master and MBA programs. She regularly publishes with international colleagues and has received several Dean and Rector awards for her publishing efforts.
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