How Was the SS2024 Innovation Week at the Department of Internationa Trade?

This semester’s Innovation week at VŠE took place during the 9th week (April 8th – April 12th, 2024). Innovation weeks aim to connect the acquired knowledge with practice and to introduce new possibilities to traditional forms of teaching. During those weeks, students have the opportunity to choose from a myriad of exciting events, workshops, and lectures organised by KMP and other departments. This Last Innovation Week was very successful, with corporate partners and students appreciating the opportunities to connect academia and corporate practice. This semestr’s innovation week was again very successful, students had the opportunity to participate in one-day and multi-day events: lectures, workshops at VŠE and outside, this time also abroad. 

Lectures and online conferences:

Practically oriented workshops:

Two day and longer events:

  • Workshop on Sustainable Working and Learning Environment led by Mgr. Ing. Kamila Matysová, Ph.D. and Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D. The course focuses on building a sustainable work and study environment with a special emphasis on personal growth, work-life balance, coaching, verbal and non-verbal communication, working under uncertainty and effective work with emotions and
  • BIP: AI CAmpaign Hackathon. organized in cooperation with Fontys University; on behalf of VŠE, Ing. Petr Král, Ph.D., the head of the Department of International Business was in charge.

And further:


  • To McCann Erickson advertising agency, where students learned about different advertising campaigns,
  • To Kantar, which focused on the prerequisites for a successful marketing campaign and the use of AI in marketing,
  • To ExxconMobil, where students learned about the company’s structure, diversity and minority development project and Formula 1 marketing,
  • To J&T Bank.
How Was the SS2024 Innovation Week at the Department of Internationa Trade?