Rescue Lecture of the Save Food Organization at Prague University of Economics and Business
Did you know that up to a third of all food in the world is wasted?
The Department of International Business is pleased to share the information that on November 20, 2024, a lecture by the organization Zachraň jídlo (rescue the food) with the theme “Food Waste” took place at the Prague University of Economics and Business.
Veronika Mejkalová introduced the students to facts and data about waste. Students learned how to influence these numbers through their behaviour: how to plan, store food properly, creatively use their surpluses and other practical information and tips in the field of sustainability.
They also gained inspiration during the practical part of the lecture, during which they learned how to process leftovers from the fridge, surplus crops and foods that consumers often do not know how to deal with.
The lecture was held in a smooth atmosphere, the students who participated were active and shared their knowledge and experience with the lecturer. There was also room for examples from practice and new tips and recommendations in the area of not wasting food and a sustainable way of eating.
The lecture took place as part of the TAČR project TQ01000183 Podpora změny behaviorálních vzorců generace Z a návrh intervencí k prevenci plýtvání potravinami včetně hodnocení jejich impaktu. (Support for changing the behavioural patterns of Generation Z and the proposal of interventions to prevent food waste, including the evaluation of their impact.)
Under the leadership of Mendel University in Brno, together also with Zachraň jídlo, the Prague University of Economics and Business is participating in this project through the team from the Department of International Business (Alena Filipová, Veronika Mokrejšová, Tomáš Sadílek, Jiří Zeman). For example, the project includes also the measurement of waste in the university student dormitories. If you are interested in the issue of food waste, it is also possible to learn about it through the interactive educational medium Nejsme Generation Trash, intended for generation Z, which was created as part of the project.