Free Capacity for Theses Supervision
To make it easier for students when choosing the right supervisor for their Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, the Department of International Business provides below a list with colleagues who have a free capacity at the moment (September 17, 2021). In case of interest, it is possible to contact them directly with the proposed topic, which must be in accordance with their professional focus.
Ing. Čajka Radek, Ph.D.
De Batz Laure, Ph.D., MSc.
Escobar Rios Andrea, Doctora en Ciencias
Ing. Hinčica Vít, Ph.D.
Ing. Khelerová Vladimíra, CSc.
doc. Ing. Kubálek Tomáš, CSc.
Ing. Olšanová Květa, Ph.D.
Ing. Postler Milan, Ph.D.
Ing. Mgr. Procházka Petr
doc. Ing. Sato Alexej, CSc.
Ing. Semenenko Vadim, Kand.ekonom.věd
doc. Ing. Taušer Josef, Ph.D.