Bachelor and Master Theses Submission Deadline for Defences in August/September 2024 and Preparation for Defences in May/June 2024
Dear Students,
The submission deadline for Bachelor and Mater Theses for defences in August/May is June 28th, 2024.
Theses are submitted only in the electronic version via InSIS, latest by 23:59 before midnight.
Preparation for the defence:
The defence of your thesis is a final step in your studies and thus we want to give you the
opportunity to present your one year’s work to a wider audience. Therefore, the Department
organizes defences as public events at which members of the Department participate,
discuss your results with you and can raise questions.
In order to facilitate your defence, you have to prepare a short PowerPoint presentation of your
work and send your presentation to the Secretary of the Department
( latest 2 working days before your defence date.
You will have 5-7 minutes to present your work (7 minutes is the maximum, you will be asked to
terminate your presentation after this limit). We expect that you cover the following points:
– Goal and purpose of your thesis;
– Structure;
– Methodology (including event. Research questions and hypotheses);
– Main findings;
– Main sources you used.
Your presentation will be followed by a discussion based on your supervisor’s and opponent’s
assessments (but any other relevant question can be raised by any member of the committee).
In the final part of your presentation, you can also prepare answers to the questions from the assessments.
We are looking forward to your presentation and following discussions