
Dr. Yadira Ixchel Martínez Pantoja: The Festival of Embassies in Prague as a Public Diplomacy Instrument

The Department of International Business has the pleasure to share the link to the work of our colleague Dr. Yadira Ixchel Martínez Pantoja (please, see below), who explores the Festival of Embassies as an instrument of public diplomacy where ambassadors promote culture, gastronomy, and music of their countries in this CPD Blog from the USC […]

Dr. Yadira Ixchel Martínez Pantoja: The Festival of Embassies in Prague as a Public Diplomacy Instrument

Exceptional Master´s Study Programme Student Achievement: Bc. Kristián Keder

Department of International Business has the pleasure to share the news about an exceptional achievement of Bc. Kristián Keder, who is currently finishing his master’s degree in International Economic Relations. Bc. Kristián Keder has achieved unprecedented success in the Czech scientific environment: he is the co-author of a scientific text published last week in an […]

Exceptional Master´s Study Programme Student Achievement: Bc. Kristián Keder

Students of the miner specialization Commercial Communications won the competition OMD Creative Challenge 2023

The Department of International Business is pleased to share that a team of students called “Pochod Praha Košice” consisting of Aneta Borgoňová, Gabriela Šťastná, and Kristián Tomčo, brought back the golden medal to the Prague University of Economics and Business from the final round of the OMD Creative Challenge 2023, organized by the OMD media […]

Students of the miner specialization Commercial Communications won the competition OMD Creative Challenge 2023

Colleagues from the Department of International Business in the Jury of the High Schools Business Challenge

Members of the Department of International Business were again invited to take part in the High School Business Challenge competition as judges, this time in the national round, which took place on  May 26-28, 2023. The participants (secondary school students) had to solve several tasks (case studies), the results of which they submitted not only […]

Colleagues from the Department of International Business in the Jury of the High Schools Business Challenge

Škoda Auto and Best Team Projects in the International Marketing Course

The successful cooperation with the company Škoda Auto a.s. within the course International Marketing 2MO401/2MO431 continued also in the summer semester 2023. Students worked throughout the semester in teams on projects assigned by Škoda Auto. They could choose one from many project assignments covering various topics such as the target group of young people or […]

Škoda Auto and Best Team Projects in the International Marketing Course

Successful student project might be presented directly at the FIATA Meeting in Brussels

The Department of International Business is pleased to share the great news that within the course 2MO500 Business Project students Jan Bednář, Pavel Kocábek, Jakub Marcolla, and Jaroslav Glisník executed a study for the Association of Forwarding and Logistics (SSL- Svaz spedice a logistiky; Association of forwarders and logistic companies within domestic and international transport […]

Successful student project might be presented directly at the FIATA Meeting in Brussels

Availability of customer service lines. The Deputy Head of the Department of International Business, Doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, in the Czech Television

On Thursday, May 4th, 2023, the Deputy Head of the Department of International Business, doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, Ph.D., an expert in the field of commercial communications, branding, and retail marketing, took part in the TV program ČT Černé ovce. This time the broadcasting was dedicated to the availability of customer service lines of online […]

Availability of customer service lines. The Deputy Head of the Department of International Business, Doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, in the Czech Television

Conference Proceedings already online: 23rd Joint International Conference – Praha 18-19 May 2023

On May 18th and 19th 2023, the Prague University of Economics and Business hosted the 23rd Joint International Conference: Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment. The conference was held both in-person and online. It was jointly organized by the Faculty of International Relations & the Faculty of Business Administration of Prague University […]

Conference Proceedings already online: 23rd Joint International Conference – Praha 18-19 May 2023

Pilsner Urquell in the Course International Marketing Communications SS 2022/2023

This semester (LS2022/2023), students of the course International Marketing Communication (2MO403/2MO506) were again assigned a project in cooperation with Plzeňský Prazdroj (Pilsner Urquell). Very successful collaboration on various projects with Pilsner Urquell has been active on a regular semestral basis since 2017. On Wednesday, 10 May 2023, students had the opportunity to present their team […]

Pilsner Urquell in the Course International Marketing Communications SS 2022/2023