Students of the miner specialization Commercial Communications won the competition OMD Creative Challenge 2023
The Department of International Business is pleased to share that a team of students called “Pochod Praha Košice” consisting of Aneta Borgoňová, Gabriela Šťastná, and Kristián Tomčo, brought back the golden medal to the Prague University of Economics and Business from the final round of the OMD Creative Challenge 2023, organized by the OMD media agency.
Based on the assignment from Wolt, students developed a proposal for a new marketing strategy for the service Slevotoč – To nejlepší, levnější. It is a function of the Wolt app where customers find the most popular restaurants and shops on Wolt with very high discounts on the best-selling food/products. Usually, these businesses never offer such a high discount. The goal of the campaign is to increase the number of orders from the Wolt app by 3,500. The winning team came up with the idea of a superhero, Woltík, rescuing busy businessmen/women, mothers, and students who are out of time and hungry. The motto of their project was: “Can’t keep turning around? Spin the Slevotoč (Discount wheel).”
The competition was held in two rounds, with four teams from the Commercial Communications minor making it to the final round, which took place at the OMD media agency on May 31. In the last year’s competition, the title went to FSV UK.
More information on how the winners did percept the competition can be found on the FIR webpage HERE.
More information about the competition can be found HERE.
The minor Commercial Communication (2KK) is offered by the Department of International Business and its guarantor is doc. Ing. Přemysl Průša, Ph.D. The specialization is intended for students who want to gain information on how to communicate with consumers in the world of mass communications and new information technologies. Graduates will gain advanced knowledge of modern commercial communications, which will enable them to quickly and seamlessly join the practice. We would also like to thank Ing. Milan Postler, Ph.D. for organizing the cooperation with leading experts from multinational communication agencies, research organizations, industrial and commercial enterprises, and media who hold guest lectures the individual courses.