
Office hours during the summer break 2019

Office hours of the academic staff of the Department of International Business are cancelled during the summer break 2019 (July 1 – August 31). Office hours of the secretariat (July 1 – July 7, July 22 – August 31): Monday 9:00 – 12:00 am Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00 am Friday 9:00 – 12:00 am Office […]

Office hours during the summer break 2019

19th International Joint Conference: Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment

19th International Joint Conference: Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment was held at the University of Economics on May 24, 2019. The main focus of the scientific conference was the region of Central and Eastern Europe and its position in the global economy, since this region is playing an increasingly important role within the economic development […]

19th International Joint Conference: Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment

Dates of the final state examinations organized by our department

The dates of the final state examinations organized by the Department of International Business will be scheduled for the second half of May and the first half of June. Specific dates will be announced in mid-April. The capacity of the dates will be based on the number of students who are enrolled on the corresponding […]

Dates of the final state examinations organized by our department

Defence of bachelor theses (IBB) at our department

Bachelor Thesis that have been elaborated under supervision by our staff have to be submitted at the Department of International Business (KMO) by the following deadlines: 26th April 2019 (for defence in May/June 2019) 28th June 2019 (for defence in September 2019) Students have to submit two bound hard copies of their final thesis. Together with the two hard copies, […]

Defence of bachelor theses (IBB) at our department

First Aktion AT-CZ project for the Department of International Business

The Czech-Austrian ‘Aktion programm’ (Aktion AT-CZ) is funding a first time project in which researchers and students from the Department of International Business of the University of Economics, Prague, are teaming up with their counterparts from the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Eisenstadt, to carry out a joint research and scientific writing project. The project […]

First Aktion AT-CZ project for the Department of International Business

Business Project 2MO500 – Final presentations of our students

One of the main goals of the Department of International Business is teaching students to connect theory and practice. Therefore, as every year, students of the course Business Project (2MO500), which is a part of the minor specialization International Finance and Business, had a chance to work on projects assigned by our corporate partners: Carl […]

Business Project 2MO500 – Final presentations of our students

Proceedings of the conference coorganized by the Department of International Business indexed in the CPCI database

Every year, the Department of International Business contributes to organizing an international scientific conference together with the Faculty of Commerce, University of Economics in Bratislava. The main focus of the conference is the region of Central and Eastern Europe and its position in the global economy, since this region is playing an increasingly important role within the […]

Proceedings of the conference coorganized by the Department of International Business indexed in the CPCI database

Department of International Business welcomes new colleagues

The Department of International Business welcomes Aliya Algozhina, M.A., Ph.D., and Gauri Bhasin who joined our team in September 2018. Aliya Algozhina, M.A., Ph.D. Aliya Algozhina is an Assistant Professor at the University of Economics in Prague (VŠE) since September 2018. She received her PhD. and M.A. in Economics from CERGE-EI (under US permanent charter) in […]

Department of International Business welcomes new colleagues

We are changing the language of our website from Czech to English

One of the main objectives of the Department of International Business is internationalization of all its activities, involvement of students in international projects and teams as well as research in the field of internationalization of entrepreneurial activities. One of the steps we want to take to fulfil this goal is changing our website from Czech […]

We are changing the language of our website from Czech to English

Termíny odevzdávání kvalifikačních prací na KMO v akademickém roce 2018/2019

Studenti, kteří chtějí svou kvalifikační práci obhájit v akademickém roce 2018/2019, musí práci odevzdat nejpozději v následujících termínech: do 7.12.2018 (pro obhajoby v lednu/ únoru 2019) 26.4.2019 (pro obhajoby v květnu/ červnu 2019) do 28.6.2019 (pro obhajoby v září 2019). Práci je třeba nejpozději v tyto dny nahrát do InSIS a současně doručit dva svázané výtisky na sekretariát KMO […]

Termíny odevzdávání kvalifikačních prací na KMO v akademickém roce 2018/2019