Nyní: Zapište se do intenzivních kurzů hostujících profesorů na jarní semestr 2025
The Department of International Business is pleased to invite you to enrol to the following courses which will take place in the Spring Semester of 2025 taught by visiting professors:
2IB414 – Sustainable Finance by our Visiting professor Jean-Laurent Viviani, IAE Rennes, France
Would you like to learn:
- How to understand and analyze extra-financial information in companies?
- How to use this information to take decisions as an investor?
- How to evaluate the risk linked to climate change and its influence on financial management?
- How to measure companies’ sustainable performance?
If so, enrol to the master intensive course 2IB414 – Sustainable Finance, where you will learn about sustainable finance, investment in sustainable finance, climate risk and sustainable corporate finance. This course consists of in-class activities, a final presentation and a test.
Jean-Laurent Viviani is with IAE Rennes in France. He teaches corporate finance: finance (financial constraints, financing methods, hybrid financing), investment (real options), financial policy (dividend distribution), and management of banking risks (liquidity risk, systemic risk). His current research focuses on Supply Chain Finance, Finance and International Business, Green and Responsible Finance.
2IB320 – Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation by our Visiting professor Antonietta Rosiello, Malta
This intensive course on Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation will guide you through the entire process from identifying opportunities to successfully launching your own business. The classes will be held by our visiting professor Antonietta Rosiello from the University of Malta, who will share her rich experience from practice and the international business environment.
This intensive course combines theoretical foundations with practical tools and skills – from business model creation to innovation to brand building. It is suitable for students in their second or third year of bachelor’s studies. The course prepares you for the challenges of business and the dynamic environment of startups. Teaching takes place in English, with an emphasis on interactivity and real examples.
2OP332 – Business Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid by our Visiting professor Isaac Wanasika from the US
This intensive course integrates concepts of strategy, international business, non-profit management, and poverty alleviation to stimulate business leadership skills and competitive imagination needed to understand the Base-of-the-Pyramid (BOP) landscape and create successful BOP ventures. The course will be taught in English by Prof. Isaac Wanasika from the United States.